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Architecture & Landscape Architecture - ESALA
Advanced Sustainable Design - MSc
Architectural and Urban Design - MSc
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Architecture - MArch
Interior Design - BA (Hons)
Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design - MA
Landscape Architecture - MA
Landscape Architecture - MLA
Urban Strategies and Design - MSc
Visit Art
Contemporary Art Practice - MA
Fine Art - MA (Hons)
Intermedia - BA (Hons)
Painting - BA (Hons)
Photography - BA (Hons)
Sculpture - BA (Hons)
Visit Design
Animation - BA (Hons)
Design and Digital Media - MSc/Diploma
Design for Change - MA
Design Informatics - MFA/MA
Digital Media Design - MSc Online Distance Learning
Fashion - BA (Hons)
Film and Television - BA (Hons)
Film Directing - MA
Graphic Design - BA (Hons)
Graphic Design - MA
Illustration - BA (Hons)
Illustration - MA
Jewellery and Silversmithing - BA (Hons)
Performance Costume - BA (Hons)
Product Design - BA (Hons)
Textiles - BA (Hons)
History of Art
Visit History of Art
Visit Music
Acoustics and Music Technology - BSc (Hons)
Music - BMus (Hons)
Student List
Curated collections
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Delan Aribigbola
Delan Aribigbola
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Emma Astley Birtwistle
Emma Astley Birtwistle
The Dynamism of Dance
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Ksenia Bobyleva
Ksenia Bobyleva
Film School
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Kaiwen Chen
Movement & Permanent (human scale)
Kaiwen Chen
Uncover the Flytower
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Charlotte Cole
Charlotte Cole
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Simona D'Sa
Simona D'Sa
Weaving through Dunbar
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Laura Dew
Laura Dew
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Leyang Ding
Leyang Ding
A Bridge to Nature: Seeding a Botanic Laboratory
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Thomas Everett
Thomas Everett
From Rubble to Resources: Building a community through Regeneration and Education
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Alicia Gerhardstein
Alicia Gerhardstein
Centre for (Under)ground Affairs
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Lucas Gjessing
Lucas Gjessing
Education through building envelope
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Antonia Graham
Antonia Graham
Past, Present, Future: Facilitating Future Rehabilitation
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Emily Grills
Emily Grills
Part 1 Architecture Portfolio
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Jessica Hindle
Carving Entrances: Early Exterior Visualisation
Jessica Hindle
Commoning Leith
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Georgie Inchbald
Georgie Inchbald
Grounds for Gathering: A Staggered Build for The Ridge
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Harvey James-Bull
Harvey James-Bull
The Leith Music Center
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Allegra Keys
Allegra Keys
Reveal and Prop
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Alexandre Langlois
Alexandre Langlois
Processional Drifts: A Restorative Archive
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Vasilisa Litvinenko
Vasilisa Litvinenko
Hearth of Leith
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Hannah Maes
Hannah Maes
The Ridge, Dunbar: providing a framework for a stronger community and a circular economy.
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Phoebe Murray
Drawing showing the essence of the building - contrast.
Phoebe Murray
Architecture of Contrast: Formality and Informality
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Ellie Nicholls
Visual of Rooftop Studio.
Ellie Nicholls
At Work/ At Rest- A circus school in Dundee.
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Ore Ogunkoya
Ore Ogunkoya
Space In between
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Tom Peng
Tom Peng
People’s Bridge: Community and Power
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Karina Rac
Karina Rac
Precarious Performance: or rather performing (with)in precariousness
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Camila Sanchez Rodriguez
Camila Sanchez Rodriguez
Multi-Generational Housing in Leith: Enabling Meaningful Interactions
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Community Wellness Hub
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Emily Sprackling
Emily Sprackling
Seen and Unseen | Rerooting the Ridge within Dunbar
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Devon Tabata
Civic Stone: Kirkgate Square
Devon Tabata
Civic Stone: Kirkgate Square
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Kelly Vimala Tanim
Kelly Vimala Tanim
Leith Maker Workshop
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Reece Tsa
X-Ray Axonometric of Proposal
Reece Tsa
A Jam Making, Dancing and Library space Aging Anew: Balance and Kintsugi refrain
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Tessa Tsui
Exterior render
Tessa Tsui
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Amber Woodward
Amber Woodward
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Jasmine Yang
Four Seasons
Jasmine Yang
Blooming Bridge - Flower Market and Gardeners Institution
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Jessica Zhan
An Invitation to Play
Jessica Zhan
Let's Play | Leith Civic Centre & Social Housing
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)