Project Description

At least 53.1% of young adults take part in revenge bedtime procrastination, which is the act of delaying one’s bedtime due to a lack of free time during the day. This is commonly why people use their phones before bed, at the cost of risking worsened sleep quality caused by exposure to blue light which prevents one's body from releasing melatonin, and an accumulation of sleep debt which is nearly impossible to fully recover from.

Gnite is a nightlight that aims to help users combat revenge bedtime procrastination and therefore improve one's sleep quality. It will only function when the user's phone is placed in the nightlight, helping users gradually build discipline in distancing themselves from their phones before bedtime. Otherwise, it loops a red and blue flashing sequence, reminding users to keep their phones in the Gnite. Users may also choose to use the timer on the Gnite, allocating themselves a set amount of time on their phones before putting it away in the Gnite.

Gnite is made with wood to fit in with the cozy environment of one's bedroom, with parts painted black to blend in with the night as users turn the lights off before bed. The Gnite is designed to cover majority of the user's phone screen, blocking out any notifications while still displaying time for users, minimizing blue light exposure. It also features a built in wireless charging system, removing the need of a charging cable.


Daniel Wong is a designer from Hong Kong. His goal is to solve problems and help improve people's lives through design mostly in a home environment. His design style tends to be minimalistic and pragmatic, believing that form follows function, as even the most simple and subtle designs can be successful if they can improve one aspect of the life of just one person.

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