I think of my work as a 'spillage' - a world of convergence, blurring tidy categories of what we choose to publicly reveal and privately conceal.
Using the lens, I craft pockets of blended reality, employing familiar objects in unfamiliar ways to evoke liberated worldviews. These surreal worlds offer solace, unpicking my own entanglements with control and compulsive tendencies. The constructed realities become visual representations of unfiltered humanness.
I often showcase my more seamless, constructed photographic worlds alongside lo-fi, choppy collages. Avoiding digital methods, both bodies of work instead rely on my intrigue with combining diverse textures through found images and objects. Neither format dominates; rather, they engage in an interwoven narrative, focusing on hybridisation and the push-pull dynamics of control and your inner voice.
This subtle commentary on the human condition questions our self-imposed value judgments. In a society fixated on completeness and seamless functionality, the work celebrates unbounded spaces where anything can simply be - not providing answers, but prompting reflection on our general relationship with process and outcome. Its easy to live in comfort supplied by rigid categorisations or the complete lack of them - I want to explore the nuance in that.